Initial Appointment

Our Process

Most initial appointments begin with a 60-90 minute appointment with the patients parents/guardians in order to discuss openly your concerns about your child. 

Share your concerns

Just how we go to the doctor and get physicals to see if our bodies are well and if not to assess what is wrong with us, Psychological evaluations do the same for our psychological wellness. It is a way of assessing an individual’s behavior, personality, cognitive abilities, and several other domains.

The purpose behind many modern psychological evaluations is to try to pinpoint what is happening in someone’s psychological life that may be inhibiting their ability to behave or feel in more appropriate or constructive ways.

Please call us to schedule a consult to see if your child is in need of a more persist and clear evaluation.

Let's work together for your family's future.

There is no better time than now, and we’re standing by to help in any way that we can. Feel free call us at 619-536-3051 for a free consultation or simply reach out to ask any questions you might have.